BRZ (Austria)

Federal Computing Centre of Austria – Bundesrechenzentrum (BRZ)

The Austrian Federal Computing Centre (short: BRZ as abbreviated from the German name Bundesrechenzentrum) is the market-leading technology partner of the public sector in Austria. As such, we have developed and implemented more than 400 IT applications and e-government solutions. We also operate one of Austria’s largest data centers, guarding the country’s precious treasury of data.

As one of Austria’s major IT companies, we have more than 1,300 employees. We see ourselves as a driving force for digital transformation in the public sector. Our aim is to improve the services available to members of the public and companies and to make the Austrian administration more efficient. Our dedicated and highly qualified employees develop smart, secure services using technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and robotics. As a full service provider, the BRZ offers flexible, automated IT solutions at competitive prices. Our applications have more than five million users. Our clients include institutions from the public sector, such as Federal Ministries and the Federal Chancellery, but also institutions that have been outsourced from the public sector, such as universities and supreme courts.

The BRZ is the leading technology partner of the Austrian public sector. Our dedicated and highly qualified employees develop smart, secure solutions using technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and robotics, to support our clients’ successful digital transformation. As a full service provider, the BRZ develops and implements flexible, automated IT solutions at competitive prices.

Nowadays European cooperation is a prerequisite for state-of-the-art e-government. The European integration also targets the Digital Single Market. Collaboration at EU level is therefore essential to provide integrated services. The BRZ is co-founder of Euritas – European Association of Public IT Service Providers.
Experts of the BRZ are also involved in international eGovernment projects such as TOOP (The Once-Only Principle) project with more than 50 organizations from 21 EU member states and associated states or the the Cloud for Europe initiative. Furthermore BRZ as a Future Trust Partner supports the implementation of a new electronic Identification and Signature Regulation.


Monika Gamper, BRZ (Austria)