History of Euritas

History of EURITAS

  • 2007 -Three public government ICT service providers from Austria and Germany decide to found a loose network, wishing to establish a trans-European network of similar institutions
  • 2009 – Additional six partners join the network, forming a group of nine publicly owned IT service providers, working under similar legal conditions and facing the same challenges
  • 2010 – After commissioning a university research study to determine the potential and future development of the association, Euritas is formed as the network of public ICT providers for public sector with head office in Vienna
  • 2015 – The first Euritas summit Innovate, Cooperate, Take the Challenge is organized in Rome as the two-day event that brought together representatives from member organizations, public administrations and EU institutions
  • 2018 – The second Euritas summit Making the Digital Agenda work – The journey from policy to reality is held in Brussels, introducing a new format (one-day, invitation-only event) and Brussels as the venue for Euritas summits in the future
  • 2020 – Euritas members adopt their first Position Paper on Digital Sovereignty proposing guiding principles for maintaining the digital independence of European public administrations
  • 2021 – Euritas summit Ensuring Digital Sovereignty of European Governments is held emphasizing the initiative of the EU leaders and European Commission to promote digital independence of Europe and accelerate digital transformation
  • 2022 – Euritas presents its new position paper Foundations of Cloud Services for Public Administrations during the Forum on Cloud Services in the Public Sector organized for representatives of the European Commission, European Parliament, cloud service providers and public administration
  • 2023 – Fourth Euritas summit Cloud, AI and Sustainability – Digital Transformation Challenges for Public Administrations addresses three key topics of modern digital government: artificial intelligence and its application in public sector, sustainability of digitization projects and cloud strategies and services. After the summit Euritas position paper AI in the Public Administration, calling for harmonised EU-wide catalogue of criteria for the assessment of AI applications

Euritas today