“Once Only Principle in Europe” – TOOP project dissemination event in Austria
In January 2017 the European Large Scale Pilot Project „TOOP“ (The Once‐Only Principle) was launched. 51 organisations from 21 EU Member States and Associated Countries are involved. TheOnce‐Only‐Principle represents a major topic in eGovernment at European level, best known from the European Single Digital Gateway initiative. OOP needs to be seen in the context of public sector digitalisation (digital transformation). In the context of public sector digitalisation it means that citizens and businesses provide data only once in contact with public administrations, while public administration bodies take actions to share and reuse these data internally – even across borders – and always in respect of data protection regulations.
The event offers talks on technical, organisational and legal aspects and will exhibit an additional focus on best practices.
Austrian partners in the TOOP project are BRZ, BKA, BMF and Danube University Krems.
Programme points:
- Registration from 09am to 10am
- Event with talks from 10am to 4pm
- Broad room for bilateral chats in the breaks
The link for the final programme is attached to the article.
The participation is free of charge but the number of places is limited, so please register here with the reference „TOOP Event 2.11.2017“ in the message box: http://www.toop.eu/contact (first come first serve). Please note that by registering for the TOOP Event you agree that photos of you being taken during the event will be used for TOOP dissemination purposes.
TOOP project dissemination event in Austria_20171102_AgendaTOOP project dissemination event in Austria_20171102_Agenda