New Vitako-Study: Advancing digitalization in Germany

The efforts for modernizing public administration and improving service delivery in Germany are still too small. The results of studies such as eGovernment Monitor 2017 indicate that online services usage by citizens as well as companies decreases, because the services do not meet user’s needs.

Vitako, the association of public IT-service-providers, has launched a study aiming at the analysis of the current situation in order to suggest specific measures to drive public sector digitalization. We certainly need to increase the digitalization effort, which is why our study states five proposals.

Modernization projects should be considered as event-driven. Citizens and companies require online services, which are faster, better and support user’s life situations from their point of view. We strongly need to focus on process reengineering. Work flows and processes should be optimized rather quickly out of user’s perspective. Therefore, we highly recommend using rapid prototyping more often in order to demonstrate quick progress and to gain user’s attention for improved services.

Data exchange inbetween public authorities requires more standardization. KoSIT, which is the German national institution taking responsibility for standardization, has proven successful. But the implementation speed is still too slow. From our perspective, KoSIT should develop from manufacturer to factory. The German IT-Council should be capable of determining requirements and priorities in order to achieve fast results.

German legal regulations often do not meet the requirements of digital life. Written form requirements or personal appearances prevent the implementation of customer oriented online services. Creating digital services and implementing the once only principle is only possible when we pursue the goal “digital first” starting with legislative changes.

The study has recently been prepared by Markus Klimmer and Wolfgang Branoner on behalf of Vitako. It is available in German only and can be downloaded here.

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Joern Oldag, DVZ
Joern Oldag is an internal advisor at DVZ and a member of the Joint Advisory Group within Euritas.