At the beginning of December Valtori participated in the Euritas CEB Meeting in Copenhagen at Statens IT and showed high interest in joining the Euritas Association.

We are pleased to welcome Valtori as a new official Euritas member.

Valtori provides sector-independent ICT services for the central government of Finland as well as information and data communications technology services and integration services that meet the requirements of high preparedness and security.

Their services are a combination of their own service production and commercial services provided by trusted partners. In other words, they act as an integrator. They want to ensure that the services match the needs of their customers in the best possible way, and both Valtori employees and partners play an important role in service integration.

At the Cloud Contracting Meeting in January Euritas president Mr. Ludwig handed over the certificate of membership to Mr. Vuorikoski, Director of Internal Services of Valtori.

Starting from January 2020, Valtori will also be a member of Euritas among 10 other members.

Juliana Mueller, Euritas Head Office